About Us

A Message from the President

José dos Santos Costa


João Vinhas

Coordinating Professor at the ESTGV (Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu). João Vinhas PhD has been teaching at this school since 1988.
He holds a PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Évora, a Master’s degree in Applied Physics from the University of Aveiro and a degree in Physics from the University of Coimbra.
He has been President of the ESTGV, from 2019 to till date, having also held the position of Vice-President there, between 2011-2019. He has also been a member of the Representatives Assembly since 2019 and of the Scientific-Technical Council, since 2012.

Helena Vala

Coordinating Professor at the ESAV (Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu). Helena Vale holds a PhD in Veterinary Sciences from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro and graduated in Veterinary Medicine, from the same university, where she also performed Educational Aptitude and Scientific Aptitude Tests, in 1996, and obtained the aggregation in 2019, in Veterinary Sciences, Animal Health Branch.
At the Instituto Politécnico’s Escola Superior Agrária, she has held several management positions: she served as Department Director, from 2000 to 2009; she was Vice-President of the Board of Directors, from 2003 to 2006; President of the Scientific Council, from 2009 to 2013 and President of the Representatives Assembly, from 2012 to 2018.

João Paulo Balula

Coordinating Professor at ESEV (Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu) where he has been teaching since 1991.
He holds a PhD in Didactics from the University of Aveiro, a Master’s degree in Classical Literatures, from the University of Coimbra and a degree in Humanities and Educational Training, from Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
He was Vice-President of ESEV, from 2009 to 2016, and has been its President since 2016.
History, vision and mission
The Polytechnic Institute of Viseu is a public higher education institution at the service of society, whose aims are to provide its students with high level qualification, to produce and disseminate knowledge, as well as to ensure the cultural, artistic, technological and scientific training of its students, in full accordance with international reference frameworks.

It values the activity of its teachers, researchers and non-teaching staff, stimulates the intellectual and professional training of its students and provides the best possible conditions for all duly qualified citizens to have access to higher education and lifelong learning.

It fosters an actual mobility of students and graduates, both nationally and internationally. It has both the right and the duty to take active part in activities that will strengthen its ties with society, namely those that seek the dissemination and transfer of knowledge, and the economic valuation of scientific knowledge. Another of its obligations is to contribute to the public awareness of humanities, arts, science and technology, by promoting and organizing actions meant to support the dissemination of humanistic, artistic, scientific and technological culture, and by providing the resources required to achieve these purposes.

The Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, hereinafter referred to as IPV, is, in accordance with Law 62/2007 of September 10th and its Statutes, a public higher education institution with statutory, pedagogical, scientific, cultural, financial, administrative and property autonomy. The mission, attributions, legal nature and guiding principles of the IPV are laid down in articles 1-4 of its Statutes, which were approved by Legislative Order No. 12-A/2009 of March 23rd by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and published in the Official Gazette, 2nd series, No. 61 of March 27th, 2009.
Strategy Plan